Squaring the spinning top
In southern Hesse, construction has been underway since 2018 on a cycle highway between Darmstadt and Frankfurt. The first section between Egelsbach and Darmstadt has been open since summer 2019. So that cyclists can turn safely, a roundabout should be built in Egelsbach . But something went wrong.
The T-junction at Georg-Wehsarg-Straße and Brückengärten has been used by buses for years about twice an hour as a turning point. Because of the cycle highway, the area was to be made safer for cyclists and converted into a turning loop for buses. The new construction of the roundabout cost 125,000 euros, 80 percent of which was borne by the state of Hesse and 20 percent by the municipality of Egelsbach. The implementation of the construction was carried out by Regional park Rhein Main Süd West GmbH.
But the roundabout was far too small: instead of the 22 m diameter calculated by the municipality of Egelsbach, only 17 m were built. Only after completion did it become apparent that the roundabout is therefore difficult for buses. To remedy the situation, the bus operator was finally also involved. It was found that even 24 m diameter is required for large buses. This raises the question of why those responsible did not involve the bus operator from thebeginning.
At the request of the Federation of Taxpayers, Egelsbach passes the buck to the Rhein Main Süd West Regional Park, which is responsible for the construction: The municipality had passed on the planning goal regarding the scheduled bus transport to the planning office commissioned by the Regional Park, but this had “simply not observed” the requirements. Causes of the bad planning: apparently communication difficulties, but also personnel changes and thus temporary lack of personnel.
In order to minimize the conversion costs, the roundabout itself is not to be enlarged, but a so-called bypass is to be built. On the other side of the roundabout, the road space will be enlarged, and the pavements will be relocated. The conversion costs are estimated at 75,000 euros. According to the municipality, only 7,000 euros in costs should have arisen due to the wrong planning – this sum wants to take over the planning office. According to the municipality, the remaining costs would also have been incurred “if this solution had already been taken into account in the original planning”. It remains to be seen whether a solution to the problem is possible without unnecessary additional costs for taxpayers.
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